Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MOOving Day

We decided to leave for the new sales job on April 29th 2011. This just happened to be the week right before our USU finals. With Brandon taking 12 credits and me taking 18, this was a BIG deal. We had to push everything up a full week. I ended up taking about 12 tests including a final paper within 5 days. Can you say sleep deprived?! It was worth it though. I now have another 18 credits under my belt. We packed up my toyota avalon with everything that we needed. Our car was jam packed. We put Brandon's jeep rack on the top of my car. I will add a picture of my car as soon as I get it. (It was taken by Brandon's parents). For now this is the closest thing I can get to what my car looked like :)

We left at about 10:30 p.m. Utah time and drove until 8:30 a.m. California time (9:30 a.m. Utah). We drove ALL night. It was worth it though because the next day we had a full day to get things ready for the busy week. Here are some pictures of Tylee in the car driving. She was a little sport. She did really good and slept for almost the entire ride.

The second picture she was sleeping on my lap in no man's land. I know it isn't safe but the poor thing couldn't stay comfortable in her car seat. So I cheated a bit and held her on a pillow on my lap for a portion of the drive. On the way we had to stop a few times to fix the bungy cord on the top of our basket rack. It kept breaking, so we visited the good 'ole flying j's to get new cords. When we got to our new apartment we started to move everything in. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. After putting mostly everything in its 'place' we decided to take a nap. Thus consists of the day we moved to Stockton, California.

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